Why Do Wireless Headphones Cause Me A Headache?

Headphones are a device that many of us rely on in our daily lives. They allow us to listen to music, watch videos, and take calls without disturbing those around us.

But, unfortunately, wearing headphones for too long can sometimes result in a headache that can really put a damper on our productivity. In this article, we’ll explore why headphones can cause headaches and share some tips to help ease the discomfort.

Reasons Why Headphones Cause Headaches

Experiencing a headache while using headphones can be a real pain – quite literally. There are a number of reasons why headphones can cause headaches, ranging from wearing headphones that are too tight to listening to music at a high volume for too long.

Let’s take a closer look at the various factors that contribute to headphone headaches and explore some solutions to prevent or alleviate the pain.

Headphones Are Too Tight

Wearing headphones that are too tight can create pressure on your ears, jaw, and scalp, which can lead to discomfort and pain.

Similarly, using ear cups or ear tips that are not suitable for your ears can also cause soreness and headache.

High Volume

Another cause of headphone headaches is listening to music at a high volume for an extended period of time. This can cause damage to your hearing and result in a pounding headache.

To avoid this, try listening to music at a moderate volume level that is comfortable for your ears and does not cause any discomfort.

Wearing headphones for a Long Period of Time

Wearing headphones for a prolonged period of time can also lead to fatigue, dizziness, and headache. Regardless of the volume or quality of the headphones, it is important to take breaks every hour or so to allow your ears and head to rest.

Additionally, removing your headphones when you are not actively listening to anything can also provide some relief.

Using Headphones With Poor Sound Quality

Poor sound quality can also lead to headaches, as your brain has to work harder to make sense of the sounds. This extra strain on your brain can result in headaches, especially if you are listening for an extended period of time.

Allergic Reaction To Headphone Materials

Some people may experience an allergic reaction to the materials used in their headphones, such as foam or plastic.

This allergic reaction can cause inflammation and headaches and may require switching to a different material or type of headphones.

Related: Can Headphones Cause Jaw Pain? Let’s Uncover!

How To Avoid Headaches From Headphones?

Here are some tips on how to avoid headaches from headphones

why headphones cause headeche

Choose The Right Headphones

There are different types of headphones, such as over-ear, on-ear, and in-ear. Each type has its own advantages and disadvantages, so choose the one that suits your needs and comfort level the best.

For example, over-ear headphones are typically more comfortable for extended use, while in-ear headphones are more portable.

Adjust the volume

Listening to music or other audio at a high volume can cause damage to your hearing and lead to headaches. Keep the volume at a moderate level that is comfortable for your ears and doesn’t cause any discomfort.

Use noise-canceling headphones:

Noise-canceling headphones can reduce the need for high volume levels, as they block out external sounds and allow you to hear your audio more clearly. This can help prevent headaches caused by high volume levels.

Take breaks

Listening to music or other audio for extended periods of time can be tiring for your ears and head. To avoid headaches, take regular breaks every hour or so to rest your ears and give your brain a break.

Practice good posture

Poor posture can contribute to headaches, as it can cause tension in your neck and shoulders. Make sure to sit up straight and keep your shoulders relaxed when wearing headphones, as this can help reduce the strain on your head and neck.

Use a headphone amplifier

If you find yourself frequently turning up the volume on your headphones to hear your audio better, consider using a headphone amplifier.

This device can help improve the sound quality and clarity of your audio, without the need for high volume levels that can cause headaches.

Check for allergies

If you experience headaches or another discomfort while wearing headphones, it may be due to an allergic reaction to the materials used in the headphones. Consider switching to headphones made with different materials to see if it helps alleviate the issue.

Why do Bluetooth headphones make my head hurt?

Bluetooth headphones can cause headaches due to several reasons. One of the main reasons is the prolonged exposure to electromagnetic radiation emitted by the Bluetooth device.

This radiation can cause thermal effects that can lead to headaches and discomfort. Additionally, the Bluetooth signal can interfere with other signals in the area, which can cause headaches in some individuals.

Limit headphone use to one hour at a time and take a 5-10 minute break in between.

Yes, prolonged exposure to electromagnetic radiation and pressure points from headphones can cause migraines.

If your ears or scalp feel sore or there is discomfort after wearing headphones for a short time, they may be too tight.


Headphones are an essential device for many of us, but they can also cause headaches if not used properly. Tight headphones, unsuitable ear cups or ear tips, listening to loud music, and wearing headphones for too long are some of the reasons why headphones can cause headaches.

However, there are simple solutions to prevent or alleviate headphone headaches, such as adjusting the clamping force, choosing the right size and shape of ear cups or ear tips, lowering the volume, taking breaks, and maintaining proper posture.

By following these solutions, you can enjoy the benefits of headphones without suffering from headaches or discomfort. Cheers!

Author at Budsera
Bilal Naeem is the Tech Gadgets Reviewer and Author of Budsera.com, He was born in Pakistan and has lived most of his life in Lahore. He loves to write about Technology and Gadgets. You can visit his site https://budsera.com. (Get the earbuds Habit!)
Bilal Naeem

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